Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 1

This is the start of my paranormal blog. I decided to do this because for a while now there have been many weird, unexplainable things that have been happening. Before I start though, I do want to say that I have a very open mind and despite the thing I will blog about in the future, I will always try and come up with an explanation as to what else this ''paranormal activity'' could be. I never jump straight to ''ghost'' or ''haunting'', I try and think of what else it could be. I will however blog everything that happens and if I think it could perhaps be something other than paranormal I will say so.

As of today I will start documenting weird little things that happen throughout the day on a word document then post it on here at the end of each day (I'll try to make it every day). I will also be posting footage / photos now and then.

Yesterday my dad managed to get some free video cameras, one of which had 'night mode', which I found really cool. I went round to his house to have a play with it and he let me borrow it which made me want to create this blog. I also want to do this because my granddad specifically is very sceptical about things to do with ghosts and maybe if I start documenting things he will finally believe me to an extent and realises I'm not making this stuff up.

*Important notice*
Any footage or photos I post will be 100% GENUINE. At no point will I attempt to tamper with it to make it look like something more than what it is. I'm a big believer in genuine footage and you don't see that much nowadays so the footage I provide will be real. Not to mention I don't really have the right software or equipment to even try and manipulate what I produce.
Also, I am very accepting to peoples opinions. If you don't believe in ghosts or anything to do with the paranormal field then thats okay. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, as long as you don't slate the things I do. I do this because I find it interesting, as a hobby and because I enjoy it. I'm not trying to force anyone to believe me and like I said, I won't always assume that every bump in the night is a ghost. I'm merely documenting what happens as something fun to do, but none of this will be fake :)

1 comment:

  1. A "summation" or a "calling upon"... might be helpful in stirring up any type of activity that is in the area that you are investigating...
    Be prepared with "Protective measures" before-hand ...
    Have had a bit of "experience' over the years in this little town just SW of the "Uwarries" in NC ... Many old tales of there and the surroundings... (Bruce and Nancy Roberts) There are book of these tales...
